Active Projects

Makoko Pitch

In the heart of Makoko, West Africa's largest slum, we are constructing a football pitch within a school complex, serving over 1,000 students and engaging thousands of youth from the community. Beyond being a playing field, this project aims to be a catalyst for positive change.

Empowering Education: Sponsorship for a Brighter Future

In addition to building the pitch, we are committed to sponsoring the education of 100 children who might not have access to schooling otherwise. This initiative is a stepping stone towards creating a brighter future for the community.

Community-Centric Hub: More than a Pitch

The football pitch transcends its role; it is envisioned to become a central hub where youth and the community converge. This revitalized space is not just about sports; it is a community center, fostering unity and empowerment.

Join us in building the Makoko Football Hub—a transformative project that goes beyond the game, making a lasting impact on lives and community dynamics.

Cienaga Pitch

In the heart of Ciénaga, Colombia, specifically in Barrio La Floresta, we're embarking on a transformative project—the creation of the Cienaga Futbol Field. This vibrant community, with a population marked by a high concentration of Venezuelan immigrants and those displaced by the armed conflict in Colombia, faces numerous challenges, from social conflicts to high unemployment and inadequate access to education.

Impact & Additional Programs

Direct beneficiaries include 500 kids and teenagers aged 6 to 17 engaged in Tiempo de Juego's existing futbol classes. Yet, the ripple effect extends to 1,594 children living close to the location, creating an opportunity to broaden our impact. Beyond sports, the field will host the School of Leadership, offering intensive courses in leadership, football, and life skills for ages 13 to 20.

Bangalore Sports Initiative

We've forged a meaningful partnership with Annapoorna to address a critical need in schools across Bangalore, India. Many of the schools we encountered lacked even the most basic sports equipment, depriving children of the joy and benefits that sports bring. Our response? The Bangalore Sports Initiative.

Dream Bags: More Than Sports Equipment

Embarking on this journey, we introduced Dream Bags—a thoughtful collection of soccer balls, cricket bats and balls, badminton equipment, and various toys. It is more than just delivering sports gear; we are delivering dreams and opportunities to young minds eager to play and learn.

Join us in this heartwarming initiative as we continue to identify schools in need, deliver Dream Bags, and create lasting memories for children in Bangalore.